Disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on anything law school other than the year and a half I've spent here. Please trust your own instinct in any of your decisions.

Monday, October 22, 2007

In the Beginning

I am currently in my second year of law school at a top 100 school. I’ve been on a long journey that has shaped and developed me along the way. When I began this process, I was surprised at how little accurate information was out there about all aspects of law school. In my research, I have amassed an enormous amount of useless information that the average law student knows nothing about.

I decided to go to law school even though I didn’t want to be a lawyer at the completion of school. I understand how discouraging this can be at times for those that are in law school and constantly surrounded with how to be a lawyer and not given other options. I went to a newer law school for my first year, and I worked my ass off to transfer out.

I had a wonderful experience in my first year and learned much information along the way. I had my sights set on two law schools out in California that I knew were perfect for me. Even though I finished in the top fifteen percent of my class, things didn't work out as planned. I got rejected from those two schools exactly one day before I had to move to the school that I'm at now. Everything worked out for the best, and I love my new school. Along the way, I've learned more information about transferring than the average human being should.

I'm really here to provide information to those who are in law school, those that are applying to law school, those that are considering law school, and those that want to go to a different law school. If you are looking for graphs and hard quantitative data then you are probably at the wrong site. I am here to provide you a normal guy’s perspective of everything law school and to answer all the unanswerable questions. I can’t tell you if you are going to get in to a given school and I can’t grade your final for you. I do have some first year outlines that have helped me, and if I have time I will be glad to share those with you.

Stay tuned, and if you have questions about a certain topic I will do my best to answer them. But remember, I am in law school too so I can’t do it all. I look forward to providing information about law school, and I genuinely hope that it helps you out.


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